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Richard Bandler

Richard Bandler is an author and trainer in the field of self-help. He is co-creator (with John Grinder) of  Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), a methodology to understand and change human behavior patterns. There is plenty of information about NLP on the web but please take a look at Richard's video.  



Swinging watches are for the films but there are many myths about Hypnosis. You may have heard that not everyone can be hypnotized, dependent on your understanding of hypnosis this may be true, no doubt not everyone would be able to take part in a stage hypnosis show where classic hypnotic phenomena such as amnesia, analgesia, anesthesia, positive and negative hallucinations are demonstrated but we all have the ability to enter trance states when we want to.

At some point or another in your life you will have experienced the phenomena associated with hypnosis. A classic example of experiencing a negative hallucination is when you have spent lots of  time looking for something you've misplaced. You look everywhere for it, you check and check again, yet later it's found in a place that you'd checked and checked again.   

There has likely been a time when you have cut yourself without realizing it, no pain being experienced, only when you notice the cut and focus on it do you begin to feel pain. Until you'd noticed it your mind was producing an effective anesthesia.   

When you are hypnotized you are not unconscious. You will be aware of your surroundings, it is not the same as sleep. You may feel physically relaxed though it is not necessary, however your mind will become very focused.


Havening Techniques

Drs. Ronald and Steven Ruden, twin brothers worked together for many years to develop the Havening Techniques. 

These techniques are used for healing. They are designed to help individuals overcome problems that are caused by traumatic coding. Havening Techniques could be described as a psycho-sensory treatment modality.


Thought Field Therapy

 Thought Field Therapy was developed by Dr Roger Callahan. It is used to treat mental and physical ailments through specialized tapping with the fingers at meridian points on the upper body and hands.

TFT tapping is a brief, effective psychotherapy for the rapid and natural healing of negative emotions and psychological problems. Thought Field Therapy uses nature’s therapeutic system to balance the bodies energy system promoting natural healing and improved mental health.
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